Content marketing + Hyper-personalized outreach = Predictable lead generation


Content marketing is broken

The standard way of doing things—being brand publishers, cranking out piece after piece of content, ebook after ebook— no longer drives the revenue that companies need it to.

And it’s easy to see why.

  1. Very few content pieces tell a original story that changes the way that our buyers think about their businesses

  2. Content is rarely delivered to prospects at a point where they can use the insights that we do provide

  3. When we do get a buyer to read our content, they too often read one piece and then just... Leave. Without engaging with any other content, or our product.

So yea, we can say we publisehd 20 eBooks, 45 blogs posts, 27 YouTube videos and launched a podcast. But how is all of this content helping drive revenue, decrease sales cycles, and increase deal sizes?

The answer is, it’s probably not. And that’s a HUGE problem.


So how can we fix it?

So how can your company rise above the noise and build a content marketing strategy that drivers top-line revenue? 

We’ve learned a hell of a lot about delivering successful content marketing campaigns that build and accelerate pipeline while driving top line revenue. This is the process that we’ve found works.

  1. Leverage original research to create content that fundamentally changes how your prospect thinks about their business

  2. Deliver personalized content to your prospects at exactly the right time

  3. Accelerate Pipeline with Binge-worthy Experiences


How can you build original research that challengers your prospects?

The first step to building a content strategy that drivers revenue is to build content that dislodges your buyer from their current way of thinking that produces their acceptance of the status quo.

Put more simply, you need to need to use original research to challenge the way your buyer thinks about their business. Check out the case study below to see specific examples of how it’s done.


How can we deliver personalized content to our buyers at exactly the right time?

To drive results, you need to deliver your content, personalized for your prospect, to your prospect right when they need it.

This requires a multi-channel approach that leverages paid acquisition, partner marketing, marketing automation, social media, and our favorite channel, could email outreach.

Here’s a sneak peak of what personalized email outreach can look like.


What results can you expect?

Our clients average 15-25 WARM meetings per month as a direct result of our outbound outreach. Check out some of the responses our clients have received…

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What our programs include

A Content Audit

In which we figure out all the assets you’ve already got, in whatever format or state, and understand how you’re using them now.

A B2B Content Playbook

In which we outline your goals, personas, and opportunities, then use them to build revenue-focused action plans.

B2B Content Creation

Where we help you develop unique insights based on 1 of 1 research, then write it, design it, produce it, and buff it up with a soft, dry chamois. 

Content Distribution

Here’s where we shine. We don’t just create content, publish it on social media, and hope people see it. We use hyper-personalized email outreach to get your content in front of your buyer and book meetings on your sales teams calendar. We use similar strategies to get your content in front of your partners, and the press, to amplify distribution. 

Oh, and we also do social media, search marketing, paid social campaigns, and other tactics.

Lead Nurturing

Using marketing automation to move prospects along until they’re sales-ready.

B2B Content Analytics

Setting up the right metrics and the best ways to track them, whether that means Google Analytics, AutoPilot, Marketo, Mixpanel or Ahrefs. We’re technology-agnostic but data-obsessed.


Ready to transform your content marketing and demand generation campaigns?

Get in touch so I can tell you how you can 4x your pipeline with content marketing… Fast.